It never remained closed. But that day, there was some maintenance work going on, and we were informed in advance. I was thinking of some other plans for the night. After much discussions in my mind, it decided to go to an Indian restaurant nearby and have the dinner. I was out of my home on my usual time and walking down the street, when I saw a crowd encircling the front of the Aqua Club. Street Fights are not common in London, so I rushed to see what was happening.
I was having my evening nap when some loud noises broke my sleep. It was coming from another room and from the voices it was evident that my father and my uncle were fighting for some reason. It is not the first time this was happening. But something struck my mind and I tried to listen to the voices.
“This is the third time you are committing the same errors, Abhi. We have not seen the profit from your side for two years now. Already closed down two firms because of your mistakes. If you don’t do know how to correct them, don’t take the responsibilities.”
My father was silent during this. He rarely spoke when his brother was frenzied.
“This was the third time I gave you the chance to improve yourself but you failed miserably. My son understands business again than you.”
“I just tried to show some profits by negotiating with the distributors. They were asking for huge sum of money for continued alliance. I asked them to reconsider the figure, but they quit.
“What happened to the new companies I arranged……..” I couldn’t hear much after that. My hearing muscles were strained by the continuously concentrating to the low frequency sounds. So, I refrained myself from further and went back to my studies.
It was two hours now that I was in my room. And the water bottle was also empty. I stood up to take a healthy break from my studies and refresh myself. But as I passed through the hallway, I heard my father screaming with fear behind the closed doors. I went near the door to listen what was happening.
“I worked hard, day and night to help this company reach this feat. When your Father left it for us, it was hovering with loan of millions. I gave this company my twenty years. This company belongs to me. You were a piece of shit when you came to me begging for money. Everyone expected me to handover my businesses to my son but I believed you and gave you another chance. But….”
“There is no need to enumerate him all this, Dad. This person doesn’t deserve a place in this world. I think I know a better place for these rotten suckers.
“Pleeeease…. Don’t do this. I can…… explain. I admit. I admit. Please don’t pull the trigger. Brother, give me a chance to explain.”
“The time for admitting is gone my brother. There is little you can do now. Just pray for a good life in your next encounter to this world.”
“This……. was…. a …… mistake…. I admit. Please forgive me. I don’t want to die. I will leave everything, just now. Please stop your son, brother. Please stop him. My son, please don’t do it. You are a very good talented boy. Please don’t commit this crime.”
“What do you think? I will commit this crime. Think again old snake.”
I was gasping air in my body. My body grew cold. I had to hurry in with all my efforts.
“Dad…. Dad… open the door.. Dad….”
“Let him in, father. He should atleast witness his crime.”
The door opened. My father was lying on the floor, pale. My cousin was holding a gun pointing straight on his forehead. As I moved forward trying to stop the incident, the bullet was shot. It was too late.