Dan Brown is a master plotter. And each of his creations is just better than before. Many people may find his novels a bit boring, considering his long explicable facts of history, somewhat veiled from the everyday life. No matter people still feel The Da Vinci code is far better than his Angels and Demons. One thing I am assured of. Dan Brown wont spare you until you reach the last page of the book.
After reading his three books, two bestsellers and one fast reaching the feat, few things are crystal clear of Dan Brown. First, he researches a lot. Every book of his has some secret societies, institutes and buildings. Second, he has a well riveted storyline which moves at a commendable pace with twists and turns amid all his facts. Sometimes, I myself don’t comprehend whether he wants to tell a story or fascination of a secret society.
Now, let me come to the main point of my lecture above. I completed the fifth book of Dan Brown, THE LOST SYMBOL today. The book is yet about yet another mystery, The Mason, a society not many people are aware of including me. I shouldn’t call myself worthy of knowing world secrets because I opened the gates of my knowledge pretty late in my life, but I am always awestruck reading his books. Also, the new concept here was Noetic Science. I don’t know whether any of you would believe me but I have unconsciously felt the miracle of our minds in our daily life.
I never believed in God, but yes, I believed in a force very much in me which is secretly working. I always felt that God is within us. Noetic Science is a new technology which is trying to intersect two parallels, Science and Religion and just trying to pull the human being of its predicament. I always believe that our mind can do wonders if we use it properly. If working of 0.2-0.5% can create the earth as we see it today, what will happen if all the 100% comes to force. Clearly, human being is yet to unveil his own true powers.
I don’t know whether I would be able to know the enigma of human mind or understand its powers, but as of now, I am very excited of reading more and increasing my knowledge. The LOST SYMBOL has definitely inoculated a seed in me to read the Bible and other books of religions, and see if what written in the last pages of the Dan Brown’s novel has some real grounds or not.
P.S: Any of you readers of this blog, if you know books which relate to noetic science, or The power of mind, please do suggest.
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