It takes a lot of time to compose a Dan Brown. And the earlier books are even more complex than the newer ones. Probably, after Deception point and Digital Fortress, Dan Brown realized that research in science is not worth the moolahs, so he switched to Religion and tasted success. Bestseller success.
I was skeptic of reading Lost Symbol, but after I completed it, I thought to read his last book i didn’t touch, or the very first book he wrote, Deception Point. Although I must discuss it, but I don’t find it much worth because now that I have read all his books, I want to give a whole synopsis.
Dan Brown is a master researcher. He puts way more effort to bring out the maximum thriller. He describes the vision so beautifully that you can actually see a movie going on in front of you in the books. One of my friend was upset by such style, but I felt it is important to make the plot. And when you actually start getting bored by his description, he includes a twists. In each of his chapter, you will find the story going forward and leaving you in an urge to read the next. Believe me, because I finished my first tour of Dan Brown named “The Da Vinci Code” in abysmal conditions. I just couldn’t concentrate on my studies for an entrance exam three days away due to the growing suspicion in the plot.
Secondly, he will never give you a hint what will happen in the end, who will end up to be the villain here. I read all his books, assumed one as the negative person, and every time, a good person came out to be the biggest rogue of the novel..
Apart from all these, he has a certain speed in his storytelling, not too slow like Ayn Rand(mainly because hers is a proper philosophy class) and not too fast(Sidney Sheldon I heard has a very huge speed of storytelling, I have to check that though). For new readers, his books are a must have. Atleast, it will germinate the seed of reading in you. I don’t know how much voracious readers would like it, but readers like me, Dan Brown is a feast.
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