Saturday, July 11, 2009

Somewhere She Is

There is a stream
that comes in my dream
The water flows
the time slows

I look up the other end
where the stream slowly bend
there within a mile
i saw you smile

joined you by your side
Talked and laughed like i never did
You were happy, smiling too
I realised this is what i need

Then a droplet touched my palm
wondered as the sky was composed and calm
Closely, i looked in your eyes
Drenched, they were reduced in size

I asked, what bothers you,makes you cry
You said tomorrow, its time to say goodbye

My sleep broke, my eyes woke
and the dream vanished , with a sigh

The dream never reapproached
Still miss that night worthwhile

But miracle do happen, i got you back
Not in my dreams, in reality with a smile....


  1. cool ,awesome,bindass,wat else can i say other than "miracle do happens"....

  2. cool ,awesome,bindass,wat else can i say other than "miracle do happens"....


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